Start to study Pachelbel today and play tomorrow
Mp4 play along videos at various speeds, mp3 audio to download and listen to when you aren’t actually practicing. Downloadable sheet music.
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Join the MasterClass – Start Today – Play tomorrow
Pachelbel’s Canon has become one of the most popular wedding songs of the decade. It has just about taken the position of the wedding march for brides as they come down the aisle.
Pachelbel’s Canon starts with previews of the most difficult passages. Once the previews are mastered, the student then begins the song with ‘candy cane’ notes. The notes are color-coded and lettered to give a solid foundation. Eventually, the student moves to black notes with very few prompts.
A fun duet completes the book using the skills from Pachelbel’s Canon.
Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing is a system to teach complex music theory concepts, sight-reading and how to play the violin, teaching students to memorize repertoire rapidly and deeply.
This Master Class has all the stems colored to indicate the string the note is played on for the violin but it can be used for two or three pianos, mandolins, harps etc. to play as a round as well.

Kindle Canons Pachelbel’s Canon
Pachelbel Canon Preview (very slowly)
Pachelbel Preview
Pachelbel Preview (Very Slowly)—
Pachelbel (Very Slowly)
Pachelbel First Shift
Pachelbel Preview 3 Rhythm
Pachelbel – the complete song
Pachelbel – trio
Using Gum Drop Notes is simple
With a degree in psychology and 30 years as a violin teacher, this incredible method developed to help students, no matter the age or learning difference, in their quest to deeply understand music theory, sight-reading and the actual tones being played.
The Gum Drop Notes color coding does not represent any psychological issue. We aren’t really seeing colors as we play. What is happening is that each note becomes a tone with a unique sound and color of its own. It takes on a characteristic that can be identified.
Keep in mind that the colors of the notes are subliminally teaching complex music theory concepts without a word of lecturing. Stem colors indicate the string the note is to be played on. Sharps and flats are reinforced by a circle of the color the note is moving toward. Card games to go along with the sheet music tunes teach the order and relationship of notes, symbols and rhythms, etc. Play-along movies bring the student up to polished speed and teach the the tune before the student begins to study the music.
It all seems too good to be true, but once you begin to use the Gum Drop Notes sheet music, play along mp4, and card games, you will be amazed at how fast you learn music theory and the music you are studying and memorizing.