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Lots of teaching tools and bonuses each month. mp4 videos, preview spots, downloadable sheet music, audio files
Mp4 play along videos at various speeds, mp3 audio to download and listen to when you aren’t actually practicing. Downloadable sheet music.
For those students who are subscribing, the first year will be $1500 and following months will be $150 until canceled.

For those who want the MasterClass for one year, the price is $1500. You will receive bonuses throughout the year and hand-holding all the way. I am just an email away.
You will be subscribed to ‘The Manatees’ until you cancel. The first year your credit card will be charged for the sale price of the tuition. After that, you will be charged monthly ($150.00) for your membership. If you cancel you will have to pay the full tuition price. This Master Class includes Gavotte by Martini where we play a game of making a massive sandwich that we put together to memorize the song.
1 Gavotte by Martini
2 Minuet Three by Bach
3 Gavotte in G Minor
4 Humoresque by Dvorak
5 Gavotte by Becker
6 Gavotte in D Major by J.S.Bach
7 Bourree by Bach
plus more

Plus unexpected bonuses each month you are a member
These links will be available once you sign into your class. You will have a link in your welcome email but if you want another quick way to access your page, try here. You are always welcome to send me an email with any questions. Talk soon!
Bourree by Bach Final song – Graduation song Take it in sections. Learn them well. Then put them together.
Using Gum Drop Notes is simple
With a degree in psychology and 30 years as a violin teacher, this incredible method developed to help students, no matter the age or learning difference, in their quest to deeply understand music theory, sight-reading and the actual tones being played.
The Gum Drop Notes color coding does not represent any psychological issue. We aren’t really seeing colors as we play. What is happening is that each note becomes a tone with a unique sound and color of its own. It takes on a characteristic that can be identified.
Keep in mind that the colors of the notes are subliminally teaching complex music theory concepts without a word of lecturing. Stem colors indicate the string the note is to be played on. Sharps and flats are reinforced by a circle of the color the note is moving toward. Card games to go along with the sheet music tunes teach the order and relationship of notes, symbols and rhythms, etc. Play-along movies bring the student up to polished speed and teach the the tune before the student begins to study the music.
It all seems too good to be true, but once you begin to use the Gum Drop Notes sheet music, play along mp4, and card games, you will be amazed at how fast you learn music theory and the music you are studying and memorizing.
Here are some of the classes you will receive – additional songs and tools each month as bonuses.
Gavotte by Martini Martini Gavotte as I call it is a long song. It is sort of like a huge sandwich that you could never eat in one bite. So I’ve made the parts into the makings of a sandwich.