Resources/Digital Books/Spiral bound book/Coaching videos/

Resources: Getting Started:
Welcome to the Members training and tools section of Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing. If this is your first time here, make sure you watch GETTING STARTED videos so you will be familiar with the member’s site and how to best use it.
Training Modules: Under the link ‘Training’ you will find all the training modules. This is the core of the Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing System. Just as you wouldn’t read a college textbook in one day, I don’t recommend doing a marathon session and watching them all at once. Take each module piece by piece and study it. Watch the video several times, each time taking notes and creating a plan. Then, act on the plan. Feel free to move as quickly as you like, but try to play the tune along with the play-along before you move on. This is an exercise for your brain and fingers, so give it time to build muscle.
How to get the most from the system:
Video: This is a system for anyone desiring to be successful. Take it step by step. If you simply watch all the modules, you will not receive the amazing ‘magical’ results that your brain will receive. Write a ‘to do list’ (action plan). How often will you practice? Why? If you don’t have a ‘why’ you will lose your momentum when you hit the mental short circuits or physical brick walls that will come just because you are learning.
Overview of the SYSTEM:
This is a system not a product!!
Follow a system and you will get results. There are 4 Main Modules with many sections to each. Get started by using Module 1.
Road Maps: Fun little ‘practice charts’ in the form of a roadmap. Move a little marker as you progress through the module on your road map.
Module 1 includes a ton of simple tunes. You are learning music theory at the same time so just have fun, play the tunes, force yourself toward perfection and move onto the next section.
Module 2: This is a series of music theory games (download) or (purchase cards).
Module 3: Increased ability to play your instrument.
Module 4: Wow music
Links and resources:
As you watch and study the videos, I will mention websites or tools you might find helpful. Some of the tools have been created by ‘Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing’. Others are just great possibilities for improvement.
Module 1:
video ( Introduce sections )
1: Colorizing your instrument
2: Rhythms
5: Beginner Spit-cato cards (download)
Downloads: Spit-cato cards, coloring pages to download or online coloring book.
Downloads: Spit-cato cards, coloring pages to download or online coloring book.
Using Gum Drop Notes is simple
With a degree in psychology and 30 years as a violin teacher, this incredible method developed to help students, no matter the age or learning difference, in their quest to deeply understand music theory, sight-reading and the actual tones being played.
The Gum Drop Notes color coding does not represent any psychological issue. We aren’t really seeing colors as we play. What is happening is that each note becomes a tone with a unique sound and color of its own. It takes on a characteristic that can be identified.
Keep in mind that the colors of the notes are subliminally teaching complex music theory concepts without a word of lecturing. Stem colors indicate the string the note is to be played on. Sharps and flats are reinforced by a circle of the color the note is moving toward. Card games to go along with the sheet music tunes teach the order and relationship of notes, symbols and rhythms, etc. Play-along movies bring the student up to polished speed and teach the the tune before the student begins to study the music.
It all seems too good to be true, but once you begin to use the Gum Drop Notes sheet music, play along mp4, and card games, you will be amazed at how fast you learn music theory and the music you are studying and memorizing.
Using Gum Drop Notes is simple
With a degree in psychology and 30 years as a violin teacher, this incredible method developed to help students, no matter the age or learning difference, in their quest to deeply understand music theory, sight-reading and the actual tones being played.
The Gum Drop Notes color coding does not represent any psychological issue. We aren’t really seeing colors as we play. What is happening is that each note becomes a tone with a unique sound and color of its own. It takes on a characteristic that can be identified.
Keep in mind that the colors of the notes are subliminally teaching complex music theory concepts without a word of lecturing. Stem colors indicate the string the note is to be played on. Sharps and flats are reinforced by a circle of the color the note is moving toward. Card games to go along with the sheet music tunes teach the order and relationship of notes, symbols and rhythms, etc. Play-along movies bring the student up to polished speed and teach the the tune before the student begins to study the music.
Using Gum Drop Notes is simple
With a degree in psychology and 30 years as a violin teacher, this incredible method developed to help students, no matter the age or learning difference, in their quest to deeply understand music theory, sight-reading and the actual tones being played.
The Gum Drop Notes color coding does not represent any psychological issue. We aren’t really seeing colors as we play. What is happening is that each note becomes a tone with a unique sound and color of its own. It takes on a characteristic that can be identified.
Keep in mind that the colors of the notes are subliminally teaching complex music theory concepts without a word of lecturing. Stem colors indicate the string the note is to be played on. Sharps and flats are reinforced by a circle of the color the note is moving toward. Card games to go along with the sheet music tunes teach the order and relationship of notes, symbols and rhythms, etc. Play-along movies bring the student up to polished speed and teach the the tune before the student begins to study the music.
It all seems too good to be true, but once you begin to use the Gum Drop Notes sheet music, play along mp4, and card games, you will be amazed at how fast you learn music theory and the music you are studying and memorizing.
A All the Way
A Frog Went a courtin
A Huntin We will Go
A Peanut Sat
All the Pretty Little Ponies
Alligator Alligator
America the Beautiful
Animal fair
Boom Boom
Charlie Brown and Snoopy
Diddle Diddle dumplin
Doe a deer
Gavotte by Gossec
Happy Birthday
Here we go round the mulberry bush
Hey diddle diddle
Hickory Dickory Dock
I love (sh) Mom
I’ve been working on the railroad
Lightly Row
Long Long Ago
Mary Had a Little Lamb
May Song
Minuet 1
Minuet 2
Minuet 3
Nick nack paddy wack
Ode to Joy
Oh Come little children
Oh Dear
Old MacDonald
white note songs
Pease Porridge Hot
Perpetual Motioin
Pussy Cat
Rain Rain go Away
Ring Around a Rosie
Row Row Row Your Boat
Song of the Wind
The Bear Went over the Mountain
This Old Man