Anyone….literally (almost) anyone…..can play a song by tomorrow
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It’s never too late to learn something new or review what you have previously studied.
Music Theory Card Games April Fool’s Joke Week One
email me for free classes once you confirm the purchase of one of the workbooks on

Book One – Part One Study the following books – have fun and build your skills overnight

Book One – Part two- Twinkle Twinkle and Friends – Now you are starting to play songs you will recognize as old favorites. Enjoy
Book One – Part three- Now you will add to your musical repertoire so you can play for anyone anywhere….maybe even with harmony.
The Guppies
The Guppies is the level after the Twinklers. It is ‘Book One (level 3). Pre-Twinkle, Twinkle, Guppies, Salmons, and Graduates make up Book one. Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing is an amazing method of teaching music theory and sight-reading at the same time, while having fun. Every possible crutch to learning is given. The method uses the concept of nurturing into learning not testing so our brains don’t set up a roadblock before we get started with learning to sight-read music. This volume of ‘The Big Book of Gum Drop Notes’ book one, includes both color-coded notes with stems indicating the string the note is played on and the notehead indicating which note is played and black notes. The following songs are included: Hey Diddle Diddle A Frog Went a Courtin’ A Peanut sat on a Railroad Track Hickory Dickory Dock Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be Here We Go Around the Mulberry Bush Anchors Aweigh O Come Little Children Long Long Ago May Song Old MacDonald Had a Farm Allegro
Book One – Part four
The tunes in this level of the Big Book of Gum Drop Notes are a bit of a challenge. Salmon swim against the current. It is a challenge for them but they are mono-focused. They want to accomplish the task. This is what will be required of us in this level of playing. Using the ‘gumdrop notes’ makes it easier. Almost too easy. It doesn’t seem to be an upstream battle. It isn’t our goal to become sophisticated or classy. Our goal is to learn to sight-read music as if it were a second language. Learning happens best when we are having fun. Most of all, our purpose is to ignite our sleeping brains, by using music as the catalyst, to pull each of us through whatever it is that challenges us. The Gum Drop Notes are an amazing system of color-coded notes structured to teach music theory without our being aware. Here are a list of the tunes: Perpetual Motion Doubles – Perpetual Motion – Solo – Alouette – Andantino – Ring Around the Rosie – Allegretto – Animal Fair – All the Pretty Little Ponies – Happy Birthday – Ode to Joy – Etude – Solo – Etude Doubles Bingo – Solo Bingo with rests
Book One – Part Five – The Graduate!!!!
The Scales Aren’t Just a Fish Thing method works so quickly and efficiently that students fly through the curriculum, memorizing it along the way. Why? Because every modality is addressed. And with that, each student is learning through their own unique learning style. Color-coding notes, play-along music, and hints along the way to prevent anything incorrect from being learned, all make this not only an efficient but a yummy way to learn, practice, and work until you master the results. Gum Drop Notes aren’t sophisticated and classy but they take a student through a ‘dark forest’ of the unknown task and make it enjoyable. Violinists can assure themselves that they are playing correctly because each note has a bowing indication and each stem of the note reminds the student on which string they should be playing that note. An Open E string tone can be played and often should be played with a fourth finger on the A string. Lots of reasons why but does a four-year-old care? No, they will play it correctly and understand fully down the road. They will shake their head at your explanation and when they are eight acknowledge what you said. At four, they can play well and efficiently but want it at lightning speed. Gum Drop Notes offers this and much more. Give them a try.
Nick Nack Paddy Wack, Doe a Deer, Boom Boom Ain’t it Great to Be Crazy, This Old Man, America the Beautiful, Bile the Cabbage Down, Do Your Ears Hang Low, Eensy Weensy Spider, Happy Farmer, Minuet One, Minuet 3, Minuet 3, The Teddy Bear’s Picnic and the Graduate piece ‘Gossec Gavotte’.
Book Two – lots of songs to choose from.
Each book has an extra tune or two on the same
level to embed the new information.
Book Three is amazing. I have named the series the Manatees because just like the enormous animal, they are huge but gentle and so are these pieces of music.

Book Four – Amazing Songs – Fast and Fun

Learn to play the violin, at an amazing speed with the color-coded music from Twinkle to Vivaldi and Bach’s Double Concerto. With the proper position and techniques, this music and the music theory card games and lessons on learning styles, short circuits, and how to avoid roadblocks, will speed you toward your goals.
So Much More! Book 4 and Companion books
Carol Anderson’s Gum Drop Note teaching method has worked very well for our kids.
People are amazed at how well they can read and play music at such a young age.
Our daughter can play music she’s never seen before by sight, and our son is into Suzuki Book Four after just three years of study.
It all seems too good to be true, but once you begin to use the Gum Drop Notes sheet music, play along mp4, and card games, you will be amazed at how fast you learn music theory and the music you are studying and memorizing.
Videos to show you how to use the gum drop notes…..easy peasy